An AI based video installation exploring the intricate symbiosis between science, biology, data, and the enduring human experience of chronic illness.
In the artwork Microcosmos, human faces, the microcosmic world of data science, and the microscopic realm of cellular biology all melt together as one - as the artwork takes viewers on a visual journey, fluidly transitioning between the various worlds. In this dynamic interplay, the human subject momentarily transforms into an object of study, shifting from being viewed as cells under a microscope to mere data points, before reemerging as a fully embodied individual.
By bringing into view the often-invisible microscopic- and data science, the piece underscores the continuous advancement of research aimed at improving human health. The visuals are crafted through a fusion of artificial intelligence, data, and 3D animation. Drawing on data from scientific repositories from Novo Nordisk and IDR’s public repository of datasets, the artwork is grounded in scientific studies by e.g. Caldera et al. and Uhlen et al., emphasizing its aesthetic foundation in scientific inquiry.
This original artwork was commissioned by Novo Nordisk and is part of the Novo Nordisk Art Collection.
Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm
ARTificial Mind:
Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm, Artist
Cody Lukas, Assistant Artist
Jens Hegner Strærmose, Software Engineer
Asbjørn Olling, Software Engineer
Alexander Krog, Software Engineer
The artwork employs artificial intelligence technology, Machine Learning based video generation (GAN) and frame interpolation, and 3D animation. The artwork draws on data from scientific repositories from Novo Nordisk and IDR’s public repository of datasets.