Urban Forest
An immersive artwork utilizing light-, sound- and 30 meters tall video projections to transform Copenhagen metro station’s cold and hectic atmosphere into an organic and calm space.
Urban Forest is an immersive installation that rethinks the modern urban environment as a frame for artistic expression. Through the work and the implementation of light-, sound- and 30 meters tall video projections, the cold and hectic atmosphere of Copenhagen metro station’s is elegantly transformed into an organic and calm environment.
An essential part of the Urban Forest project was an exploration of the concept of "network thought". Thus, we enrolled 30 partners and sponsors in the realization of this work: The Royal Danish Theatre, Copenhagen Municipal, Cowi, Copenhagen Metro, Philips, Panasonic, Sophus Foundation, Danske Spil, Dong Energy and Wonderful Copenhagen etc. In total 350 people – engineers, hardware experts etc. – aided in the creation of the final experience piece.
Urban Forest had an estimated value of 14 million DKK (1,5 million GBP) and was visited by 1,1 million citizens. Mayor of Culture Pia Allerselv opened Urban Forest in August 2010 and The Danish Royal Ballet performed an exclusive ballet in the experience piece.
/ By Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm and Patrick Coard, artist duo The Reframing Initiative
/ Kgs. Nytorv Metro station, Copenhagen
/ 2010
/ Video projections, light, sound and performance
/ Large scale art installation in public space
Artistic idea: Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm and Patrick Coard, artist duo The Reframing Initiative
Creative direction: Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm and Patrick Coard, artist duo The Reframing Initiative
Project management: Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm and Patrick Coard
Live ballet as part of the experience piece: The Royal Danish Ballet
The Royal Danish Ballet dansers: Alban Lendorf, Kizzy Matiakis, Sebastian Kloborg, Maria Stokholm and Louise Østergaard
Choreographer: Esther Wilkinson
Sound composer: Sune Martin
Light design: Cowi
Video: Flemming Lyngse and Mia Fryland
Technical calculations: Cowi
Technical solution: Informationsteknik
Sound solution: Comtech
Lawyer: Cph Legal
Graphic Design: Martin Lasthein
PR: Have Kommunikation
Thanks to the sponsors: Sophus Foundation, Copenhagen Municipality, Copenhagen Metro, GRID Montanagroup, Clear Channel, Louis Poulsen Lighting, KEA, Danske Spil and Dong Energy